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5 Tips and Tricks to Accessorize Like a Professional Interior Designer

In Accessories, Artwork, How To Guide, Residential Design by Kendra Contreras

By Kendra Contreras, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Kendra>So you’re ready to take your room to the next level.  You already have all of the core pieces – sofa, coffee table, side table, and consoles in place… but the room still feels empty.  What could be missing? A-C-C-E-S-S-O-R-I-E-S!  These are what give your room personality and are the icing on …

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Interior Design How-to Guide: Creating a Family Friendly Home

In Accessories, Artwork, Design Planning, How To Guide, Interior Design, Residential Design by wpx_seedbaco

By Kendra Contreras, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Kendra>As a mom myself, I know how hard it is to make a house a home some days.  The toys are everywhere.  The kitchen table is covered in food.  And there is always a trail of cheerios or clothes across the room at any given time. While it can at times feel …

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Aging-in-Place How-To Guide: Remaining in Your Home in Comfort (and Safety)

In Design Planning, How To Guide, Interior Design, Residential Design by Gail Mayhugh

By Gail Mayhugh, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Gail>This is the first of a series addressing designing for positive Aging-in-Place. In this post, I’ll be sharing furniture and arrangement suggestions. As we age, we lose some of our strength, agility, and mobility, affecting our ability to navigate the rooms in our homes. For some, a home may have been perfect …

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How does Online Interior Design Work?

In Airbnb Design, Corporate Office Design, Design Planning, Hospitality Design, How To Guide, Interior Design, Kitchen and Bath Design, Model Home Design, Residential Design, Workspace Design by Christina Toole

You might be familiar with Online Interior Design, or eDesign, but Design Tribe is different from the one-size-fits-all retailers. Our designers don’t just “decorate”… they design. Professional Interior Design is an art and science that requires years of training and education to personalize a space to a fit a client’s design aesthetic and to help the space function efficiently for …

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You Want to Paint, but Where to Start?

In Design Planning, How To Guide, Interior Design, Residential Design, Wall Finishes by Gail Mayhugh

By Gail Mayhugh, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Gail>If you want to paint your home, but aren’t sure where to start – start here. If you’re living with your builder white walls, it’s time to step up and add some color, even if it’s just a neutral color from your flooring. Before you head out to the paint store, literally …

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Interior Design How-To Guide: Selecting the Right Ceiling Fan

In Design Planning, How To Guide, Interior Design, Residential Design by Gail Mayhugh

By Gail Mayhugh, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Gail>No matter what part of the country you live in, almost everyone uses ceiling fans. So choosing the right size ceiling fan is important; otherwise, it won’t properly cool a room.  Knowing your room’s square footage will help you determine the proper size. A fan that’s too small for a room might not …

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Reducing Coronavirus Contamination and Spread in An Open Office

In Acoustics, Branding, Corporate Office Design, Culture, Design Planning, Graphic Design, How To Guide, Interior Design, Lighting, Workspace Design by Christina TooleLeave a Comment

By Christina Toole, Sr. Interior Designer Work with Christina>If you work in an open office, you might be worried lately about spread of the Coronavirus. Taking steps to mitigate the transfer of viruses within an office environment can only led to better health for us all. Healthy employees miss less work, have a higher level of productivity and are less …